Aug 18Liked by Caroline J. Sumlin | Author

I hope this moment passes for you; that the algos allow you to find some of Substack's more hospitable corners and a few newsletters less inflected/ infected by white supremacy culture; and that you get some restful, joyful, connections with others who are weary, but nurturing hopefulness.

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Substack seems to be the one area of the online world that does not (mostly) subscribe to what I’m addressing in this article. I’m newer here, and don’t have much of a community since I’m unable to post consistently, but thankfully the pressure does not exist as much here as it does on other platforms. I’m referring mainly to social media and I don’t consider Substack to be grouped into that category.

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Once again thank you for your honest words. This is the second of your posts I’ve read which resonates so powerfully with me in TRUTH. You’ve captured with your words some things that are at the core of my own depression and exhaustion: the meaningless striving which white supremacy and colonialism have put upon me. Thank you for clearly naming the root cause of my discontent and soul dis-ease at this time.

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Caroline, thank you for your work, words and exactness with which you share. This resonated so deeply in me, and I’m sharing in this experience with you.

I’m also exploring homeschooling/unschooling as an option, since school is (becoming) untenable.

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Thank you for being here. I greatly appreciate the person you are.

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